Lexington Cpl. Cameron Mortenson speaks out about two men who are believed to have attempted the abduction of two boys in Lexington.
On March 31, at separate times. Lexington town police say two different men approached boys on their way home offering them rides. Their connection was a gold, early-2000s Chevrolet Suburban.
Michelle Schaeffer, with her daughter at the Virginia Hilton Park in the town of Lexington, said she would worry about the safety of her child and other children when they are old enough to walk home from school on their own.
Michelle Schaeffer always keeps an eye on her daughter whenever they go out in public.
Always say no to strangers — that’s the advice parents often give their kids before walking out the front door.
Fortunately, that advice kept two children from being abducted by two suspicious men riding around their Lexington neighborhood one recent weekend. The Lexington Police Department released sketches of the two suspects to ask the community for help identifying the men but have yet to apprehend any suspects.
On March 31, Lexington police say a black man driving a gold, early 2000s Chevrolet Suburban approached a 8-year-old boy in the 100 block of Middlebrook Drive, about 4:50 p.m. and asked if he needed a ride. The boy declined and went home, although police say he did not immediately report the incident. The suspect was described as bald, about age 30, and wearing a white T-shirt.
A second man, allegedly driving same vehicle, approached another boy, a 12-year-old, about 5:30 p.m. and asked if he needed a ride. The boy also declined and went home. Police say the incident was also not immediately reported. The second suspect was describe as white, about age 40 and gray-haired.
Although the Lexington Police Department received leads on the investigation, none of them have been helpful in finding the suspects.
“It would have been helpful in this case if the first child that was approached was to immediately call law enforcement,” Cpl. Cameron Mortenson said. “That would have brought officers into the area, and it may have kept a second incident from happening.”
“What we really want to do is ask for those that live in the area to look back at their video cameras and surveillance they have at their house,” Mortenson said.
He said these are all helpful tools for law enforcement in cases like this one.
Mortenson said people typically don’t report suspicious activity until an abduction has already happened, sometimes hours or even days after the first incident.
Cayce mother Michelle Schaeffer was playing with her toddler child on a Lexington town playground when she heard the news.
“I guess I feel like that couldn’t happen to me,” Schaeffer said, because her child is so small and requires constant supervision.
Schaeffer said it would be more of a concern whenever her daughter gets older and is able to walk home on her own.