Olivia Jolly, USC campus outreach registered dietitian, leads a cooking class for students about healthy food options.
USC students participate in making chocolate-covered strawberries, a healthier choice to tamp down stress-eating.
Grace Whaley, a sophomore at USC, stirs ingredients together while Olivia Jolly, USC campus outreach dietitian, explains the recipe.
The students roll together the five-ingredient energy bites, which provide protein and fiber.
A recipe for five-ingredient energy bites could be helpful to prevent students from stress-eating.
As finals week gets closer for students at the University of South Carolina, it’s hard to keep a balanced diet.
All students have their own way of dealing with stress. For some, they might snack on junk food or stress-eat when they are studying for a big test.
The Center for Health and Well-Being at USC holds seminars and events that help students in dealing with the pressure of final exams and avoid emotional eating.
Last week the “Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards” event showed those who signed up how to make quick and easy snacks that are both healthy and tasty.
Grace Whaley, a sophomore at USC, said she attended the event to learn more about the nutritional facts and healthy eating.
“I definitely stress-eat, so I just wanted to try to eat healthier foods if I’m going to be stress-eating,” Whaley said.
Whaley was able to participate in making some of these healthy foods, too. They made chocolate covered strawberries and five-ingredient energy bites, which were filled with protein and fiber.
Olivia Jolly, USC campus outreach registered dietitian, led the event, and she provided information to students on these healthy snacks that are easy to make and eat on the go.
“As their schedules are getting a little busier, meal prepping is going to be really, really helpful,” Jolly said. “Eating out does happen as well. Just choosing healthier entrées, so when you go to restaurants they have those healthy sections on the [menu], or they’ll have a little icon, like a leaf, that indicate it’s a healthier option.”
For more information on the center’s programming, go to https://www.sa.sc.edu/shs/events/ for all the events at the health center.